Challenge Poverty Week 2023 Events

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A stock image representing someone caring for another person.

Submission: Scottish Government consultation on Council Tax

Investment in our public services through progressive taxation is fundamental to creating and sustaining a just economy and a compassionate society. In our response to the Scottish Government consultation on Council Tax, we say that – nearly 25 years after the establishment of the Scottish Parliament – now is the time to stop tinkering on … Read more

Finding a Voice, Taking Action: Using Action Learning Sets to Support Change in the Scottish Hospitality Industry

Finding a Voice, Taking Action: Using Action Learning Sets to Support Change in the Scottish Hospitality Industry

This report summarises progress to date and key learning from the first stage of the action learning set (ALS) workstream within the Serving the Future, a three-year action research project working with hospitality employers and workers. The project is seeking to understand, reduce and prevent in-work poverty and identify changes that could be made within … Read more

Research into the hospitality industry: Key themes for businesses

Research into the hospitality industry: Key themes for businesses

This briefing summarises findings across three different streams of research within the Serving the Future project. This research draws on the experiences of businesses and workers from urban and rural areas of Scotland. We welcome reflections on these early findings from businesses, workers, and industry bodies. Read it in the window below, or download it … Read more

A stock image of a hospitality worker

Serving the Future: Workers’ Experiences of Low-Paid Work

This briefing highlights findings from the Serving the Future project on hospitality workers’ experiences of low-paid work in Scotland. In interviews with workers over a 12-month period, the research is seeking to understand: ■ The demands and challenges of sustaining employment in the hospitality sector over time; ■ The impacts of working in the hospitality … Read more

Helping hands

Hollow political phrases won’t dull people’s desire for a better world

David Eyre, Communications Officer, Poverty Alliance A just and compassionate Scotland is one with strong, sustained social investment to end the injustice of poverty, and to make sure that everyone has the chance to develop their potential. But for too long, our country’s vast wealth has not been properly used to break down the barriers … Read more

First Minister Humza Yousaf at anti-poverty summit April 2023 (c) The Scottish Government

First Minister has missed ‘critical opportunity’ on poverty   Reacting to the First Minister’s Programme for Government, Poverty Alliance Acting Director David Reilly said: “When he was elected, the First Minister said tackling poverty was to be his defining mission. But this Programme for Government is a critical missed opportunity to turn our shared values of justice and compassion into meaningful action. … Read more

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