A stock photo of a bike and fishing boats representing rural Scotland.

News: Rural idylls can hide poverty injustice

A cross-party group of MSPs and campaigners is asking the Scottish Government to take a closer look at the ‘injustice’ of poverty in Scotland’s rural communities. In a new report, the Scottish Parliament’s Cross-Party Group on Poverty says higher costs for fuel, energy, transport, food, and housing are pulling too many people in rural Scotland … Read more

A stock photo of a bike and fishing boats representing rural Scotland.

Report: Cross Party Group on Poverty inquiry into rural poverty

The Cross Party Group on Poverty in the Scottish Parliament is a forum for exploring the drivers of and solutions to poverty in Scotland. It acts to connect MSPs with organisations working to tackle poverty, as well as with people living on low incomes across Scotland, in order to better inform anti-poverty policymaking and contribute … Read more

Linda Craik - Poverty Summit - 3 May 2023

Guest blog: A new beginning… or more of the same?

Linda Craik, Activist,End Poverty Edinburgh Clilck here to find out more about End Poverty Edinburgh A year ago, on 3rd May 2023, myself, and others with lived experience of poverty took part in the then First Minister’s Poverty Summit in Edinburgh.   During that summit – and in follow up meetings with the First Minister, and … Read more

A stock photo of some young disabled people sharing a joke on an outside terrace.

Consultation response: The Disability Commissioner (Scotland) Bill

It is wrong that disabled people are more at risk of being pushed into poverty in wealthy Scotland. Evidence relating to disabled people’s poverty is stark. Some 41% of children living in poverty come from a household containing a disabled adult or child. This represents almost double the overall figure for child poverty in Scotland (24%).1 It is … Read more

John Swinney MSP (c) The Scottish Government

News: New FM must show leadership on poverty and fair taxes

Our director Peter Kelly, interviewed on BBC Good Morning Scotland, Wednesday 8 May. https://www.povertyalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/XRecorder_Edited_08052024_071952.mp4 Reacting to the Scottish Parliament’s decision to support John Swinney as First Minister, Poverty Alliance director Peter Kelly said: “The election of a new First Minister is a moment of choice about the direction of our country. We know that people … Read more

A stock image illustrating human rights

Blog: Adding human rights to our collective power!

Lydia Murphy, Development Officers, The Poverty Alliance Clilck here to read the Together for Change report!   “it has allowed me to grow and a human rights approach has run through it all”   Since January 2022 we have been working to support organisations and communities to add human rights to their collective power through our … Read more

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