Policy Briefing 1: A Scotland where we value our communities

We can build a Scotland where we value our communities and volunteers by making sure our community and voluntary organisations get fair and sustainable funding. Ahead of Challenge Poverty Week 2023 – read more about our asks in the briefing below or download it here.    

Challenge Poverty Week 2023: An overview of our key policy asks

Challenge Poverty Week was launched by the Poverty Alliance in 2013. We wanted to highlight the injustice of poverty in Scotland, and to show that collective action based on justice and compassion can create solutions. The week is an opportunity to raise your voice against poverty and unite with others in calling for a just … Read more

Twimukye at the Scottish Parliament

It’s hard to say goodbye to Twimukye

The Poverty Alliiance has thanked their Senior Communities & Network Officer for her long-term ‘commitment and dedication’ as she takes up a new post with Shelter Scotland. Twimukye Macline Mushaka has been at the heart of the Poverty Alliance’s work alongside people who have lived experience of  in Scotland for many years. Poverty Alliance director … Read more

A stock image of night bus services.

Scrapping night buses will hit people on low incomes hardest

Policy & Campaigns Manager Ruth Boyle on BBC Reporting Scotland and BBC Good Morning Scotland Reacting to news that First Glasgow is to scrap all night buses from 31 July, Poverty Alliance Director Peter Kelly said: “This announcement is completely unjust and will hit Glaswegians on low incomes the hardest – people who work nightshifts … Read more

The word 'recovery' being highlighted

We can’t tackle drug deaths and addiction without tackling poverty

Reacting to announcements around Scottish Government drugs policy today, Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance, said: “In a just Scotland, no-one would lose their life to drug addiction and everyone would have quick and efficient access to addiction treatment that works for them. “It’s welcome that the Scottish Government is making further moves towards … Read more

Guest blog: Human rights put power into the hands of those who miss out

Mhairi Snowden,Director,Human Rights Consortium Scotland Register to find out how to raise your voice for #AllOurRights It’s all about power. Really, when you boil human rights down to its nuts and bolts, it is about power. It is about making sure that Government cannot just do what it likes, to whoever it likes. It cannot … Read more

Stock image - A rainbow on children's hands

Politicians have a moral responsibility to scrap unjust child-limits

Reacting to a speech by Keir Starmer MP today, Poverty Alliance director Peter Kelly said: “We need governments that believe in justice and compassion, and who are committed to tackling the human misery being caused by inadequate incomes in Scotland and across the UK. “We are pleased that Labour have recognised the importance of taking … Read more

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