Blog: Communication Officer’s Log Week 9

Seachdain na Gàidhlig sona dhuibh uile!

The first thing I published on our social media channels this week was a post in Scottish Gaelic, to mark World Gaelic Week.

The text on the graphic says 'With justice and compassion we will end poverty in Scotland'.

I enjoy being a spokesperson in Gaelic for the Poverty Alliance, and on Wednesday I was on the morning news show on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal, speaking about how increases in energy bills and council tax will impact people in low incomes, and how our Governments at Holyrood and Westminster can help.

On Tuesday, the Policy & Campaigns team that I'm a part of had a day out of the office to create our workplan for the coming year, led by our manager Ruth. It was a good day and reminded me how lucky I am to work with such talented, committed, kind colleagues.

On Wednesday we published a guest blog from a hospitality worker who took part in research for the Serving the Future project.

It was a powerful read, and a timely reminder that we need to support business and workers to build work beyond low-pay and insecure hours. The Serving the Future hospitality toolkit that we've worked on with partners is designed to do just that. You can watch a video of the toolkit launch here.

I spent some of the week building a new section of our website to host the work of our research team. I've sent the draft section to our Research Manager Laura for consultation with her team - but her first impressions were positive.

Our Finance & Admin team were very busy preparing for AGM on Friday, and I also had some prep work to do, including getting ready to facilitate for some of the people who joined us online. At the AGM we launched our new Strategic Plan, and published our Annual Report. We also discussed exciting plans for a national demonstration under the banner of 'Scotland Demands Better', to be held at the end of Challenge Poverty Week. We are recruiting for consultant support for that at the moment.

Our AGM was being held at the same time as the final session of the Third Sector Lab open working programme, which has inspired me to write and share these week-notes. I was sorry to miss it, and I highly recommend the programme.

Mar sin leibh!

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