Blog: Willie Rennie, Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats

The pandemic has torn through all our lives. Scottish Liberal Democrats will put recovery first. Our offer is a liberal one. We want every individual to achieve their potential. Poor mental health prevents people from getting on in life. I’ve talked about the links between mental health and poverty since I was first elected. There … Read more

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Guest Blog: Mollie McGoran MSYP, Scottish Youth Parliament

  Mollie McGoran MSYP explains why the Scottish Youth Parliament support the #EveryoneAboard campaign to extend free bus travel to under 25s and those on low-income benefits Hi! My name is Mollie McGoran! I’m a Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament representing Caithness, Sutherland and Ross and I am also the Convener of the Transport, … Read more

GUEST BLOG: Children’s University Scotland

Chloe Goodall, Head of Impact at Children’s University Scotland, explores the impact extending free bus travel to people on low-income benefits and under 25s would have on realising children’s rights. Earlier this month, the Scottish Government passed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) incorporation bill, ensuring young people’s rights are considered … Read more

On the road to recovery, we can make sure everyone has a seat

Suzi Murning, Poverty Alliance Campaigns Officer, discusses our new campaign, Everyone Aboard, calling for free bus travel to be extended to everyone receiving Universal Credit and young people under 25.  We all rely on public services – like health and education – to be there for us when we need them. But too often, they simply don’t work for people living … Read more

Guest blog: Scotland’s 100,000 challenge

One of the clearest impacts of the pandemic so far has been rising levels of unemployment, with young people being particularly affected by labour market disruption. Rachel Statham, Senior Research Fellow at IPPR, writes on the looming youth unemployment crisis in Scotland and the steps we can take to prevent long-term damage to a generation’s … Read more

Guest blog: Charting Scotland’s path towards recovery

The pandemic has shone a light on many of the deep inequalities created by the decisions that have been taken about how we design our economy. Miriam Brett, Director of Research and Advocacy at Common Wealth, here outlines some of the steps that can be taken in Scotland to build a more equitable, sustainable, and … Read more

Blog: Why expanding free public transport must be part of building a wellbeing economy

Activist Jenna Woods shares her experience of navigating unaffordable transport costs as she pursued higher education and the world of work. She argues that expanding free public transport to under 25s and people receiving Universal Credit would help alleviate poverty and level the playing field. In a country as prosperous as Scotland, everyone should be … Read more

Blog: A Minimum Income Guarantee would ensure disabled people like me can take part in society, Amanda Foster

 Amanda Foster, Community Activist with Poverty Alliance, argues that by introducing a Minimum Income Guarantee, the Scottish Government could ensure that disabled people like her have what they need to live full and dignified lives.  This article was originally published in The Herald. In our society, we all believe that everyone should be able to … Read more

BLOG: Funding the fight against poverty

After a fraught week for many community and voluntary organisations in Glasgow, Peter Kelly (Director of the Poverty Alliance) reflects on what it means for the fight against poverty in the city and elsewhere. Glasgow is known for many things; its vibrant music and arts scene, its beautiful green spaces, perhaps even the economic transformation … Read more

Blog: 5 things I learned from Get Heard Scotland

Twimukye Macline Mushaka, Senior Fieldwork Officer at Poverty Alliance, reflects on the things she learned from talking to different people across Scotland as part of the Get Heard Scotland project. Her blog comes ahead of  the publication of the full Get Heard Scotland report later this month. While all of these sessions were undertaken before … Read more

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