Blog: When we return to normality, this can’t mean business as usual

Director of Poverty Alliance, Peter Kelly, reflects on what our response to the pandemic has shown us about our shared values and – crucially – the action we need to take to ensure these values are reflected in the design of our economy.  We are living through extraordinary times. Whilst a palpable sense of fear … Read more

Guest blog: Climate, class and the radical action we need

Francis Stuart is Policy Officer at the STUC. Here, he writes on the case for – in the absence of meaningful climate justice policies being developed by national governments – more bold and radical action from wider civil society. The UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston, knows a thing or … Read more

Blog: Poverty is the root of Scotland’s fatal drug overdose crisis

Dave Liddell, Chief Executive of Scottish Drugs Forum, discusses the links between poverty and drugs and what more we can do to stop the increase in fatal overdoses. Scotland has almost 60,000 people with a drug problem.  That is a higher proportion of the population than any country in Europe; and our fatal drug overdose … Read more

BLOG: Transport and poverty: making the connection

The right to work, the right to health, the right to education, the right to cultural life, and the right to an adequate standard of living; these are the inalienable rights we all share. Yet too often, the rights of people on low incomes are not fully realised because of unaffordable, unavailable and inaccessible transport … Read more

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