A carer and an older person holding hands

Guest blog: To tackle carer poverty, we need radical change

Carers Scotland Every day hundreds of people in Scotland will receive a call to tell them that a family member has taken ill.  After the sudden shock, over the coming days and weeks, they’ll try to come to terms with a new reality.  They’re going to need help to live at home:  to get up … Read more

A stock photo of Glasgow tenements

Guest Blog: We can invest in homes for a better Scotland

Ewan Aitken, Chief Executive,Cyrenians As part of Challenge Poverty Week 2023, Cyrenians supports the call for a Scotland where we all have safe, secure and sustainable homes. Ewan Aitken, Chief Executive of Cyrenians, explains why urgent action is needed to respond to the housing crisis. Homelessness in Scotland has gone up by 10% in the … Read more

A stock image showing a woman holding a model house

Guest blog: Homelessness causes poverty and poverty causes homelessness

Neil Cowan, Head of Policy & CommunicationsCrisis in Scotland When Crisis made the decision to join the Poverty Alliance last year, it was because of our belief that housing, homelessness and poverty are inseparable. Homelessness causes poverty and poverty causes homelessness. The evidence on this is clear, and we know that child poverty is the … Read more

Peter Kelly

Blog: 10 years of Challenge Poverty Week

Peter Kelly, Director,Poverty Alliance It is now 10 years since the Poverty Alliance brought together a group of our members to begin planning the first Challenge Poverty Week. Many of the concerns that brought us together in 2013 are, unfortunately, still with us now. Scotland, then as now, is a wealthy country, but still far … Read more

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Guest blog: Are our communities and volunteers really valued?

Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre LRCC At our local third sector partnership gatherings and events we’re hearing some topics coming up more frequently than others. “The funding pots have totally dried up for this work, I’ve no idea what to say to our service users if we can’t keep the project going”; “Loads of our volunteers … Read more

A stock image showing a community event

Guest blog: Fair Work in the Third Sector

Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS) Charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises make a difference to people. They build the social fabric of communities, enriching people’s lives and standing alongside them during tough times. During Covid and our current cost of living crisis, we have seen that they are often the fastest to step … Read more

Guest blog: Scotland and the UK are wealthy; there is no need for poverty

Stuart McMillan MSP, Greenock & Inverclyde In 2017, myself and local MP Ronnie Cowan hosted a drop in event during Challenge Poverty Week (CPW) for which we’d secured the attendance of several local organisations to offer advice and support. The only issue was nobody turned up. This was really disappointing; not only had we put … Read more

Guest blog: The value of supporting communities and volunteers is undeniable

Leah Harkey, STAR Project, Paisley “A Scotland where we value our communities and volunteers.” What a wonderful sentiment! Everyone is part of a community in some capacity, and whether we know it or not, we engage with volunteers and their daily work. Who wouldn’t want to support the development of communities and volunteer work? Indeed, … Read more

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