Helping hands

Hollow political phrases won’t dull people’s desire for a better world

David Eyre, Communications Officer, Poverty Alliance A just and compassionate Scotland is one with strong, sustained social investment to end the injustice of poverty, and to make sure that everyone has the chance to develop their potential. But for too long, our country’s vast wealth has not been properly used to break down the barriers … Read more

Challenge Poverty Week 2023 – Introducing our key policy asks

It is completely unjust that people are experiencing poverty in a wealthy country like Scotland. Too many people, including 250,000 children, are having their life chances restricted by the injustice of preventable poverty. Covid-19 and the ongoing cost of living crisis have contributed to a rising tide of poverty as people struggle to access adequate … Read more

Guest blog: Human rights put power into the hands of those who miss out

Mhairi Snowden,Director,Human Rights Consortium Scotland Register to find out how to raise your voice for #AllOurRights It’s all about power. Really, when you boil human rights down to its nuts and bolts, it is about power. It is about making sure that Government cannot just do what it likes, to whoever it likes. It cannot … Read more

A stock image of two young children in childcare.

Guest Blog: Childcare is key to freeing women from poverty and inequality

Iona Brown, Policy and Parliamentary Manager, Close the Gap Read ‘A Childcare System for All’ here! Women are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to experience deeper poverty, and find it harder to escape poverty. Because women continue to do the bulk of unpaid childcare in Scotland, women’s poverty is inextricably linked to … Read more

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Guest blog: Counting the cost: debt, destitution and doing it differently

Emma Jackson,Scotland Director,Christians Against Poverty At the start of this month, I marked five years leading the work of Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Scotland. A lot has changed in that time – not least my kids’ accents as we moved from East Belfast to the rural Borders to take on this role! Our team has … Read more

Linda Craik - Poverty Summit - 3 May 2023

Guest Blog: Me and the First Minister

Linda Craik, End Poverty Edinburgh Read Linda’s speech here and listen to EPE’s Heather on BBC Radio Scotland Me? Linda? Speak in front of the First Minister and 100 other strangers? Never in a million years…  And yet, in May 2023 at First Minister Humza Yousaf’s Anti-Poverty Summit, that is exactly what happened. As a … Read more

Climate Fringe logo

Blog: Climate is a poverty issue

David EyreCommunications Officer, Poverty Alliance The Climate Fringe is an important moment for us to think about how Scotland can play our part in the movement to protect us from climate chaos. We believe that tackling poverty and reaching our net zero ambitions should be shared and interlinked priorities. However, we are concerned that the … Read more

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