Briefing: What next for human rights in Scotland?

At Poverty Alliance, we understand that poverty is a human rights issue.

The Scottish Government’s commitment to introducing a Human Rights Bill for Scotland has been welcomed by our membership. We believe it is essential that the Scottish Government take forward these high-profile commitments to ensure that duty bearers work proactively to realise all of our human rights. This is vital to create a Scotland where no one is left behind and where our fundamental human rights are not just rhetoric but are a reality for all. The Scottish Human Rights Bill has the potential to be transformative in the way we think about and address poverty in Scotland, supporting the First Minister’s mission of eradicating child poverty.

In August 2024, 35 members attended our event ‘What’s Next For Human Rights in Scotland: Policy and Practice’. This briefing summarises key points from speaker contributions and attendee discussions from throughout the event.

You can read it in the window below, or download it from here.

Briefing - What's Next For Human Rights in Scotland

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