Mon 7th - Sun 13th October 2024
Daily Themes
Upcoming events
Blogs & briefings
Dr Joanna Teuton,Public Health Intelligence Adviser,Public Health Scotland “I began a college course…. I had to leave home at 7am to walk across town with my child to childminder, as no buses to that area, then walk back across town to catch bus then run, on foot, to college for a 9am start… I had … Read more
Suzanne Forup,Head of Development for Scotland, Cycling UK We know that cycling can help tackle inequalities; Cycling UK has delivered cycling projects in Scotland for over a decade, focusing support on those that are underserved or are in communities that traditionally have not seen cycling as a transport option for them, such as disabled people … Read more
Ralph Hartley,Policy Officer,The Poverty Alliance This year the Cross Party Group on Poverty in the Scottish Parliament has been undertaking an inquiry into poverty in rural Scotland. The inquiry will publish its final report in early 2024, but after three sessions we have already heard clearly that the continuing injustice of poverty in Scotland, exacerbated … Read more
About Challenge Poverty Week
The first Challenge Poverty Week was launched by the Poverty Alliance in 2013.
We wanted to highlight the injustice of poverty in Scotland, and to show that collective action based on justice and compassion can create solutions.
Stay informed!
1. Get inspired!
Together, we can Challenge Poverty. We're running a series of Get Inspired meetings, designed to showcase the different ways your organisation can take part in Challenge Poverty Week.
2. Get planning!
We will give you access to lots of resources to help plan your Challenge Poverty Week events.
There will be social media templates, graphics, and policy briefings for each of the week's special themes.
We provide activity toolkits for different kinds of organisations, as well as lesson plans for teachers.
3. Get noticed!
When you're ready, you can add your event to our Challenge Poverty Week calendar, and share it on your social media using the #ChallengePoverty hashtag.
We'll be sharing lots of your events on our @CPW_Scotland and @PovertyAlliance Twitter accounts.
We also give training with tips on how best to talk about poverty, and how to use the media to get your message out.
Enter your email address to receive regular e-updates about our work. If at any time you want to stop receiving these, simply contact us. We’ll keep your details safe and won’t share them with any other organisations for their marketing purposes. For full details see our Privacy Policy.