Scottish Anti-Poverty Events
Poverty Alliance Events
Argyll and Bute meet up: anti-poverty sharing and networking event
VirtualThe Poverty Alliance is excited to host the third Argyll and Bute anti-poverty sharing and learning event.  The event will be held online from 10-12pm on Monday, February 24th. This event will focus on how we can work together to influence change for Argyll and Bute. We look forward to connecting with you all again ... Read more
Aberdeenshire Anti-Poverty Network meeting 3
The third meeting of our Aberdeenshire Anti-Poverty Network, we last met in November to discuss the issues of rural transport and access to healthcare in Aberdeenshire, a priority identified by the Aberdeenshire citizen’s panel. March’s session will continue to explore the issue of transport and access to healthcare, this time with the emphasis on accessing ... Read more
Poverty Alliance Member Events
Closer to home: a place-based approach to preventing homelessness
Join Homeless Network Scotland for a half-day course giving you the knowledge and tools you need to design a joined-up approach to preventing homelessness in your community. By the end of the course, you will be able to: 1. Identify the evidence about what causes and reduces the risk of homelessness 2. Explain why a ... Read more
Homelessness stigma: a conversation
Join Homeless Network Scotland for a half-day online course giving you the skills and confidence you need to challenge the pervasive stigma around homelessness. By the end of the course, you will be able to: Identify stereotypes in representations of homelessness (images and words) Reduce stigma – playing your role and positive framing Identify barriers ... Read more
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