Poverty Alliance Breakfast Briefing – Housing

A Scotland where we have safe, secure, and sustainable homes. Join this breakfast briefing with Poverty Alliance and guest speakers (TBC) to discuss our policy asks around housing. Join the conversation on social media using #ChallengePoverty

Empower Aberdeen

A community fair, providing direct access to support available across Aberdeen. Join in on a day of sharing services, experiences and networking with other like-minded organisations in Aberdeen to improve the lives and homes of those living in our city/area. Sign up your organisation to host a stall by following the link.

Housing and women who sell or exchange sex

Housing is a key issue for everyone. However, women who experience commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) often face very specific challenges, including precarious tenancies, 'sex for rent', homelessness and exploitation, and the impact of No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF). Women who sell or exchange sex can experience barriers to accessing housing support, and these issues ... Read more


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