Get Heard Scotland: Impact of Stigma on Benefit Take-up – Report of Citizens’ Panel

The Scottish Government is working to raise awareness of Scottish benefits, and to ensure that people are receiving what they're entitled to.

To support this, the Poverty Alliance - as part of the Get Heard Scotland project - worked to recruit, facilitate and support a Citizens' Panel on the impacts of poverty related stigma on benefit take-up. Some 16 people were recruited and supported to contribute. All panellists were living on low incomes and eligible to claim social security.

Through six sessions - from December 2023 to March 2024 - the panel came together online, to share their experiences and insights into poverty related stigma and social security. Through supported discussions, panel members learned together about key policy challenges, built understanding of how poverty related stigma impacts on benefit take up, and deliberated to develop and prioritise a set of recommendations for steps the Scottish Government could take to reduce stigma and improve benefit take up.

You can read the report of the panel's deliberations in the window below, or download it from here.

Get Heard Scotland Report - Impact of Stigma on Benefit Take Up - for Publication May 2024

Scottish Parliament Debate on Benefit Uptake 20 June 2024

We were pleased that the Get Heard Scotland report below was referenced by so many MSPs during a debate about benefit uptake in the Scottish Parliament. You can watch their clips below, and read the Official Report here.

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