Our Lives Our Solutions: New Get Heard Scotland report launched

People living on low incomes across Scotland have called for increased action to loosen the grip of poverty on their lives, in a new report published today by the Poverty Alliance. Our Lives, Our Solutions – the annual report from the Poverty Alliance’s Get Heard Scotland initiative, which is funded by the Scottish Government as … Read more

New data shows more and more children in Scotland being pulled into poverty

New analysis published today has highlighted that even before the devastating impact of Covid-19 on household incomes, child poverty has been rising rapidly in some of the poorest communities in Scotland and across Britain, leaving growing numbers of children cut adrift and ill equipped to cope with the impact of the pandemic. The End Child … Read more

Campaigners call for emergency cash boost to prevent child poverty crisis

Campaigners call for emergency cash boost to prevent child poverty crisis Over 100 organisations and academics sign letter to First Minister “Grave concern” regarding impact of crisis on family incomes and children’s wellbeing Over 100 children’s charities, faith groups, academics, think tanks, poverty campaigners and trade unions have today written an open letter to the … Read more

Unearthing the hidden problems in the system of Universal Credit

In this blog, Laura Robertson, Research Officer at Poverty Alliance, shines a light on some of the lesser-known problems inherent in Universal Credit. The last six weeks have shown us that our sense of compassion is alive and well as people rush to volunteer, donate, and protect neighbours and loved ones. But it has also exposed … Read more

First Minister urged to put wellbeing at the heart of our economic recovery

Poverty Alliance and Wellbeing Economy Alliance have written to the First Minister to urge her to task the recently appointed Advisory Group on Economic Recovery with putting social justice at the heart of their work. Full text below. Dear First Minister, Economic Recovery and Covid-19 Since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, we have witnessed … Read more

Annual poverty stats show one in five in poverty before Corona hit

Scottish Government’s annual poverty stats: Poverty Alliance comment Responding to the release today of the Scottish Government’s Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland: 2016 – 2019, Director of Poverty Alliance, Peter Kelly said: “Today’s figures paint a shocking picture of poverty in Scotland, with one in five people living in poverty even before Covid-19 hit. The figures also show … Read more

Poverty Alliance responds to new UK Government measures

Responding to measures announced by the UK Government today on jobs and social security, Peter Kelly (Director, Poverty Alliance) said: “As the Chancellor said this afternoon we are in unprecedented times, and we require measures that respond in kind. We require a compassionate and bold response to the crisis that is unfolding as a result … Read more

Coronavirus and poverty: Poverty Alliance response

Times of crisis hold a mirror up to our society. In the last fortnight we have seen that our sense of compassion is alive and well as people rush to volunteer, donate, and protect neighbours and loved ones. Our country is a compassionate one; we care about each other and want to protect each other … Read more

Poverty Alliance welcomes new measures to protect communities

Poverty Alliance welcomes new Scottish Government COVID-19 measures Responding to the Scottish Government’s announcement of a series of measures  – including a £45 million investment in the Scottish Welfare Fund – aimed at protecting communities from the social and economic impact of COVID-19, Peter Kelly (Director, Poverty Alliance) said: “Our country is compassionate; we care … Read more

UK Budget fails to deliver on promise to “level up”

Responding to the UK Budget, Peter Kelly, Director of Poverty Alliance said: “While we welcome the measures designed to cushion people from the impact of coronavirus, and the minor adjustment to Universal Credit, this does not amount to a budget to “level up” the UK. “Coronavirus has shone a light on the precarity at the … Read more

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