Poverty Alliance responds to Spring Statement

The Poverty Alliance have responded to today’s Spring Statement from the Chancellor, describing the failure to end the benefits freeze as a missed opportunity to unlock hundreds of thousands of people across the UK from poverty. Despite continued calls from anti-poverty organisations – as well as the Work and Pensions Committee – to end the … Read more

Poverty Alliance responds to Scottish Government budget

The Scottish Government published its draft budget today, setting out the spending aims and commitments for 2019/20. Commenting on the budget, the Poverty Alliance have described a missed opportunity to boost the incomes of families across Scotland who are struggling to get by. Neil Cowan, Poverty Alliance said: “1 million people in Scotland – including … Read more

Poverty Alliance responds to UN Special Rapporteur’s findings

The Poverty Alliance has responded today to the initial findings of the UN Special Rapporteur’s inquiry into poverty in the UK, with a call for renewed action to address rising poverty rates. The findings lay bare the impact of the decision to implement austerity policies – and particularly the impact of cuts to social security … Read more

Church leaders, academics and campaigners call for Budget to introduce new income supplement to tackle child poverty

Children’s charities, anti-poverty groups, senior academics and leaders of Scotland’s Churches have called on the Scottish Government to use its budget – due to be published on Wednesday – to urgently deliver a new income supplement for families who are struggling to get by. The calls were made in letters to Derek Mackay MSP, Cabinet … Read more

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