Programme for Government 2023 Featured Image

Campaigners unite to ask FM for action on poverty Listen to our interim director David Reilly on BBC Good Morning Scotland. You can help! Please show your support on social media. Click here for resources to help you. Humza Yousaf has been told that people struggling on low incomes in Scotland can no longer to wait for bold action to challenge the … Read more

Twimukye at the Scottish Parliament

It’s hard to say goodbye to Twimukye

The Poverty Alliiance has thanked their Senior Communities & Network Officer for her long-term ‘commitment and dedication’ as she takes up a new post with Shelter Scotland. Twimukye Macline Mushaka has been at the heart of the Poverty Alliance’s work alongside people who have lived experience of  in Scotland for many years. Poverty Alliance director … Read more

A stock image of night bus services.

Scrapping night buses will hit people on low incomes hardest

Policy & Campaigns Manager Ruth Boyle on BBC Reporting Scotland and BBC Good Morning Scotland Reacting to news that First Glasgow is to scrap all night buses from 31 July, Poverty Alliance Director Peter Kelly said: “This announcement is completely unjust and will hit Glaswegians on low incomes the hardest – people who work nightshifts … Read more

The word 'recovery' being highlighted

We can’t tackle drug deaths and addiction without tackling poverty

Reacting to announcements around Scottish Government drugs policy today, Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance, said: “In a just Scotland, no-one would lose their life to drug addiction and everyone would have quick and efficient access to addiction treatment that works for them. “It’s welcome that the Scottish Government is making further moves towards … Read more

Stock image - A rainbow on children's hands

Politicians have a moral responsibility to scrap unjust child-limits

Reacting to a speech by Keir Starmer MP today, Poverty Alliance director Peter Kelly said: “We need governments that believe in justice and compassion, and who are committed to tackling the human misery being caused by inadequate incomes in Scotland and across the UK. “We are pleased that Labour have recognised the importance of taking … Read more

An image of two children, one helping the other has a temperature

Child poverty an injustice Scotland has to put right

Click here to read our latest child poverty briefing! Reacting to the Scottish Government’s annual tackling child poverty progress report, Ruth Boyle, Campaigns & Policy Manager at the Poverty Alliance, said: “Far too many of Scotland’s children have their life chances restricted and restrained because of unjust poverty. That’s an injustice that we can … Read more

First Minister Humza Yousaf at anti-poverty summit April 2023 (c) The Scottish Government

Fighting poverty needs strong public investment through tax

Reacting to the publication of the Scottish Government’s Medium-Term Financial Strategy today, Ruth Boyle, Policy & Campaigns Manager at the Poverty Alliance, said: “We know that more people across Scotland are being trapped in the grip of unjust poverty. Our government has a moral responsibility to help those people, and now is not the time … Read more

Asylum seeker rights in action research briefing

Asylum seekers denied their full rights to education in Scotland

New research says that Scotland is robbing people in the asylum system of dignity and respect by failing to offer them equal access to further and higher education. Research – supported by the Poverty Alliance – has uncovered first-hand evidence of the devastating barriers faced by those seeking asylum when it comes to accessing university … Read more

The First Minister's Scottish Anti-Poverty Summit - 3 May 2023

Now is not the time to roll back on free school meals

Watch our Communities & Networks Manager David Reilly and Terry McTernan of Darkwood Crew talking about the summit on STV’s Scotland Tonight. Listen to Peter Kelly speaking about the poverty summit on BBC Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland programme.    Commenting on reports around the expansion of universal free school meals in Scotland, … Read more

Man walking through snowy countryside

Parliament group to shine a light on rural poverty

MSPs and campaigners are coming together to shine a light on the reality of living in poverty in rural Scotland. Today the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group (GPG) on Poverty has launched an inquiry into poverty in rural Scotland – exploring its impacts on people’s lives, and looking at its causes and solutions. Group convener … Read more

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