A stock image showing the hands of an older man counting coins from his wallet.

News: Poverty is the missing mission in the King’s Speech

Reacting to the King’s Speech, Poverty Alliance chief executive Peter Kelly said: “People in Scotland and across the UK believe in justice and compassion. They don’t want to live in a country where a fifth of our households live in poverty, including 2.6 million children. They can see how food insecurity, deprivation, low pay, insecure … Read more

Securing Our Future Manifesto Featured Image

News: “To rebuild trust in our system, they need to deliver real change” The Poverty Alliance responds to the UK General Election outcome

Responding to the outcome of the UK general election Peter Kelly, Chief Executive of the Poverty Alliance, said: “Going into this General Election, anti-poverty campaigners were clear whoever formed the next government would need to set a new path for the country, one that would deliver freedom from poverty, as well as security and opportunity … Read more

Securing Our Future Manifesto Featured Image

News: Scrap benefit caps to boost compassion in social security

Campaigners say the next Westminster Government can return compassion to the social security system by scrapping ‘inhuman’ benefit limits that push people into debt and destitution. The Poverty Alliance election manifesto is calling for an end to the controversial two-child limit and benefit cap, saying that they are causing lasting harm to households who need … Read more

Poverty Alliance members take part in a #VoteYourValues photocall

News: Campaigners warn this could be the most unequal election in 60 years

https://www.povertyalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/peter_kelly_gms_110624-1.mp3 Peter Kelly is interviewed on BBC Radio Scotland about the #VoteYourValues campaign – 11 June 2024 Poverty Alliance members coming together to support the #VoteYourValues campaign Anti-poverty campaigners are launching a new voter registration campaign, warning that this election could see the biggest-ever gap in voter turnout based on wealth. The Poverty Alliance – … Read more

A stock photo of a bike and fishing boats representing rural Scotland.

News: Rural idylls can hide poverty injustice

A cross-party group of MSPs and campaigners is asking the Scottish Government to take a closer look at the ‘injustice’ of poverty in Scotland’s rural communities. In a new report, the Scottish Parliament’s Cross-Party Group on Poverty says higher costs for fuel, energy, transport, food, and housing are pulling too many people in rural Scotland … Read more

John Swinney MSP (c) The Scottish Government

News: New FM must show leadership on poverty and fair taxes

Our director Peter Kelly, interviewed on BBC Good Morning Scotland, Wednesday 8 May. https://www.povertyalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/XRecorder_Edited_08052024_071952.mp4 Reacting to the Scottish Parliament’s decision to support John Swinney as First Minister, Poverty Alliance director Peter Kelly said: “The election of a new First Minister is a moment of choice about the direction of our country. We know that people … Read more

A stock image of protesters, with a sign saying 'System Change, not Climate Change'

News: Broken climate pledges undermine trust in democracy and will hit poorest hardest

Responding to an announcement by the Scottish Government on its climate emission targets, Peter Kelly, Director of The Poverty Alliance, said: “Democracy relies on political leaders keeping their promises to the people. Today’s announcement will undermine trust in the Scottish Government, and we call on all MSPs to carry out their duty to hold ministers … Read more

Poverty Alliance Logo

News: Poverty numbers show urgent need to raise social investment

Download audio from here. Responding to today’s statistics on Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland, Ruth Boyle, Policy & Campaigns Manager at The Poverty Alliance, said: “People in Scotland want a society where we look out for each other and end the injustice of poverty. We can achieve that, but only if we turn those values … Read more

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