Scottish Parliament MSP Offices

Test for First Minister is in the difference changes make to people’s lives

Reacting to today’s statement by the First Minister, Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance, said: “We welcome the Scottish Government’s focus on three missions around equality, opportunity and community. However, the test for the First Minister will be delivery of these ambitions and the difference that is made in people’s lives. “In that context … Read more

Tackling poverty is Humza Yousaf’s defining mission

Reacting to the election of Humza Yousaf as SNP leader and prospective First Minister, Poverty Alliance director Peter Kelly said: “During his campaign, Humza Yousaf told Poverty Alliance members that action on poverty and inequality should be the defining mission of his leadership. We agree, and we look forward to working with our new First … Read more

A woman looks worried about her empty purse

‘Stable’ poverty rates are nothing to celebrate

Listen to our Ruth Boyle commenting on today’s Scottish poverty figures Commenting on today’s release of estimates of Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2019-22, Poverty Alliance Policy & Campaigns Manager Ruth Boyle said: “The injustice of poverty is continuing to impact the life chances, health and wellbeing of too many people across Scotland. … Read more

UK Government Red Despatch Boxes

Budget will strike fear into the hearts of millions

Commenting on today’s UK Budget, Poverty Alliance director Peter Kelly said: “People in the UK believe in justice and compassion. But today’s Budget will strike fear into the hearts of millions. “The Chancellor’s decision to widen the callous and ineffective sanctions regime is completely wrong. Our unjust economy simply doesn’t offer people the kind of … Read more

The Scottish Poverty and Inequality Leadership Hustings

Leadership candidates to be quizzed on poverty and inequality

The three candidates to be the next leader of the SNP, who will become First Minister, are to face questions about how they will work to end poverty and inequality in Scotland. The Poverty Alliance and The Robertson Trust have organised an online hustings, seeking the views of Kate Forbes, Ash Regan, and Humza Yousaf … Read more

Cross Party Group on Poverty Logo

Scotland must turn its back on poverty-related stigma, say MSPs and activists

In a report published today the Cross Party Group on Poverty in the Scottish Parliament says that bias against people in poverty affects their mental health and wellbeing, makes it harder to access the support they are entitled to, lessens their educational chances, and makes policies designed to tackle poverty less effective. Group convener Pam … Read more

A shopping trolley in a supermarket

Government has a moral responsibility to protect people from rocketing costs

Responding to the latest shop price index figures from the British Retail Consortium / NielsenIQ, Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance, said: “Government has a moral responsibility to protect people from rocketing costs. “That’s especially true for the poorest households – because inflation is currently hitting them hardest. With inflation continuing to climb there … Read more

Poverty Alliance Conference 2023

2024 a year to turn words into deeds

In a New Year message, Poverty Alliance director Peter Kelly said: “People in Scotland believe in justice and compassion. This coming year will be a test of whether our political leaders will turn those values into concrete action. “2023 saw Poverty Alliance members across the country working harder than ever to protect people in their … Read more

Government could do even more to invest in a just and compassionate Scotland

Tax Reacting to today’s Scottish Budget announcement, Poverty Alliance Policy and Campaigns Manager Ruth Boyle said: “We welcome the decision to use our tax powers in a progressive way to get more investment for the compassionate Scotland that people want. We hope that this will be the beginning of the Scottish Government’s efforts to use … Read more

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