Energy price hikes will cause ‘stress, anxiety, illness, debt and death’.

Reacting to today’s announcement by Ofgem, Poverty Alliance director Peter Kelly said: “The first moral duty of government is to protect people and provide them with security. The UK Government and Ofgem are failing badly in that duty and acting without any sense of compassion and justice. “This massive price hike is in line with … Read more

Peter Kelly of the Poverty Alliance, with Nicola Sturgeon at energy summit on 23 August 2022

‘Government and energy companies have a moral duty to act’

    Speaking after today’s energy summit alongside First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Poverty Alliance director Peter Kelly said: “The situation we face is of a magnitude that requires a pandemic-level response. Energy companies, as well as every level of government, have a moral duty to act. Today’s summit was a constructive start, with all those … Read more

Energy summit must spark action

The Poverty Alliance has welcomed news that the First Minister will convene an urgent summit with energy supply companies and consumer groups later this month, to discuss how advice and support for people struggling with energy bills can be improved. The move comes after the Poverty Alliance and Energy Action Scotland wrote to the Scottish … Read more

1,330 drug-related deaths in 2021 in Scotland

‘We can’t tackle drugs deaths without tackling poverty’

The Poverty Alliance has issued a statement reacting to the publication of new figures on drugs deaths in Scotland. Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance, said: “There is little good news in these figures. The current level of drug deaths in Scotland remains entirely unacceptable. In a just Scotland, no-one would lose their life … Read more

Poverty Alliance write to Chancellor urging action on benefit cap

Anti-poverty campaigners are today calling on Chancellor Rishi Sunak to end the ‘unjust’ benefit cap – as new figures show that the numbers affected could rocket next year. The benefit cap was introduced by the UK Government in 2013. It blocks households from getting all the help they are entitled to from the social security … Read more

Secure our social security legacy with a Royal Commission

An anti-poverty charity says the Queen’s Jubilee is an opportunity to safeguard the future of the UK’s flagship social security system by establishing a new Royal Commission into the Future of Social Security. When Queen Elizabeth took the throne in 1952, the UK had just started creating a modern welfare state, with the National Insurance … Read more

Tackling poverty needs investment in local services

Reacting to today’s statement from Finance Secretary Kate Forbes, Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance said: “People in Scotland believe that government has a moral obligation to help make sure everyone has enough to live a dignified life, and that no-one lives with the injustice of poverty. That’s even more true during a time … Read more

Crisis demands even more action to tackle poverty

Reacting to today’s statement from the Chancellor, Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance said: “Government should be about making sure everyone can live a dignified life, and finding the courage and compassion to tackle poverty and inequality. “We’re pleased that the Chancellor has finally listened to calls for a windfall tax on energy companies … Read more

Social security is a right - Scowr

Scotland must embrace chance to renew social security

Reacting to today’s Audit Scotland report on Social Security Scotland, Poverty Alliance director Peter Kelly said: “Our social security system should be there to address the injustice of poverty, but over the years the UK system has been systematically undermined. It no longer provides the support people need to live a dignified life. “Devolved social … Read more

10 Downing Street

Queen’s Speech a failure of courage and compassion

Reacting to today’s Queen’s Speech, Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance said: “People want a UK Government that believes in compassion and justice, and in making sure everyone can live a dignified life. This Queen’s Speech has failed to live up to those values. “People in poverty are struggling to keep their heads above … Read more

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