Public urged to back call to double Scottish Child Payment now

The Poverty Alliance have today launched a fresh appeal to Kate Forbes MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy, to commit to immediately doubling the Scottish Child Payment and are calling on members of the public to back their plea. We are making the call one month ahead of the publication of the Scottish … Read more

Poverty Alliance respond to UK Government budget

The Poverty Alliance have today responded to the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Budget statement. Peter Kelly, Director of the Poverty Alliance, said: “The Chancellor said today that there is a ‘moral dimension to the economic challenge we face’. That moral economic challenge ought to be about how we best support those who face hardship and how economic recovery … Read more

New report calls for action on tutoring and mentoring to help close the attainment gap in Scotland 

Stark gaps in educational attainment in Scotland could be reduced through the rollout of mentoring and tutoring support, a new report published today has said. Highlighting evidence showing that mentoring and tutoring have positive impacts on attainment for young people living in the grip of poverty, the report, based on research conducted by the Poverty Alliance for The Robertson Trust, calls … Read more

Challenge Poverty Week: Voices across Scotland to unite in support of action to loosen the grip of poverty 

Challenge Poverty Week – coordinated by the Poverty Alliance and supported by organisations from every major sector in Scotland – takes place this week at a time of growing hardship across Scotland.  Starting on Monday 4th October and running until Sunday 10th October, hundreds of organisations from across Scotland will come together – through holding events, activities, and actions – to raise their … Read more

Scotland’s faith leaders unite to back call to double Scottish Child Payment now

Faith leaders from across Scotland have today united in urging the Scottish Government to “use its powers to do the just and compassionate thing” by committing to doubling the Scottish Child Payment this year. In a joint statement released ahead of Tuesday’s publication of the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government for 2021/22, the leaders say … Read more

‘Do the right thing and double the Scottish Child Payment now’ civil society coalition tells First Minister

A coalition of over 100 anti-poverty organisations, children’s charities, community groups, think tanks, trade unions, faith leaders – including the Moderator of the Church of Scotland – and academics have today written to the First Minister urging her to “do the right thing” by using the upcoming Programme for Government to commit to doubling the … Read more

Poverty Alliance launch Get Heard Scotland summary report

The Poverty Alliance have today launched Weathering the Storm, a summary report from the Get Heard Scotland (GHS) programme in 2020/21. GHS is a programme coordinated by the Poverty Alliance and funded by the Scottish Government as part of Every Child Every Chance, the Scottish Government’s Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan. GHS is designed to help … Read more

Poverty Alliance demand publication of Universal Credit cut analysis

The Poverty Alliance have today written to Therese Coffey MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, after her department refused to disclose any analysis that it has undertaken on the potential impact on poverty of cutting Universal Credit by £20 as planned this autumn. The refusal came after a Freedom of Information request by … Read more

Transport system unaffordable for too many people in the grip of poverty, new report finds.

Anti-poverty campaigners have today called for action to make Scotland’s transport system more affordable, after a new report found that Scotland’s transport system is too often tightening the grip of poverty on people’s lives. Conducted by the Poverty Alliance and commissioned by Transport Scotland, the report found that public transport was essential for people living … Read more

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