Challenge Poverty Week 2023 Events

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Know Your Rights Workshops

The Scottish Government has now published its consultation on a new human rights bill which would incorporate four international human rights treaties into Scots Law. Come along to our Know Your Rights Workshop to learn about Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the relationship between poverty and human rights, and how you can use human rights … Read more

The Scottish Poverty and Inequality Leadership Hustings

The Scottish Poverty and Inequality Leadership Hustings

Click here to reserve your place! Scotland needs to put justice and compassion at the heart of Government – too many people are struggling to make ends meet on inadequate incomes; there is a rising tide of poverty as a result of the cost of living crisis; and inequality on the lines of gender, race, … Read more

Challenge Poverty Week logo

Challenge Poverty Week – Get Inspired Meetings 2023

In these Get Inspired meetings we’ll showcase the different ways your organisation can take part in #ChallengePoverty Week in from 2nd – 8th October 2023. We’ll take you through examples of what other groups have done in previous years, and tell you about all the advice and resources we’ll make available to you, helping make … Read more

Rights in Action Workshop for rural activists – 9 Feb

Click here to register! Calling activists in rural Scotland! We are hosting a Rights in Action online workshop on Thursday 9 February – from 10am to 12.30pm. The workshop will help you learn how we can use Economic, Social and Cultural rights as a tool to combat poverty. Here’s some feedback we received from our … Read more

Activists media training graphic

Get Heard! – Media training for activists

10am – 4pm, Saturday 17 Sep 2022 The Wild Olive Tree Café St George’s Tron Church of Scotland 163 Buchanan St, Glasgow G1 2JX The Poverty Alliance is offering free communications training to activists who have experience of living on a low income and who want to share their stories in the news media. We … Read more

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Values first! Talking about poverty and the economy

How can we best win support for the kinds of change we need to end poverty in Scotland? These two-hour training sessions from the Poverty Alliance show how we can begin to frame our communications in a way that reaches people’s fundamental values. We’ll look at research about the values that are most helpful to … Read more

Best Start, Bright Future – a Poverty Alliance Webinar

Monday 6 June 2022: 10am – 1pm  Scotland is a country where compassion is strong, but where child poverty is an ongoing injustice that we have to end together. Best Start, Bright Future, the Scottish Government’s Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, was published at the end of March. It’s designed to help create the change we need to … Read more

Challenge Poverty Week

Challenge Poverty Week 2022 – Get involved!

Thinking of getting involved in Challenge Poverty Week 2022 on 3rd – 9th October? Getting involved is easy and fun! To help your organisation plan how they will get involved, we are running a series of online Get Involved meetings designed to showcase the different ways your organisation can take part in the week, and … Read more

A family saving money.

Scottish Child Payment Information Campaign

We’re launching a campaign to help people apply for the Scottish Child Payment, and we’d like your help We’ve created an information leaflet, that is being distributed to members. You can read it and download it from here, and order copies for distribution through your own organisation: We’ve also created a series of social … Read more

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