#ChallengePoverty Week overall policy asks
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An Overview of our Policy Asks for Challenge Poverty Week 2024_v2
Joint letter to FM in advance of Programme for Government
Ahead of the 2024 Scottish Government Programme for Government, more than 100 Poverty Alliance members came together to urge the First Minister to take action to challenge the injustice of poverty, based on our #ChallengePoverty Week 2024 Policy Asks. You can read the letter in the window below, or download it from here.
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Suggested social media messages
We're calling on @ScotGovFM to #ChallengePoverty in the Programme for Government. #ScotPfG #ChallengePoverty https://www.povertyalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/An-Overview-of-our-Policy-Asks-for-Challenge-Poverty-Week-2024_v2.pdf
Talking about the injustice of poverty is important. But @scotgov policies haven't yet led to a meaningful reduction in overall poverty rates. The Programme for Government can help change that. #ScotPfG https://www.povertyalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/An-Overview-of-our-Policy-Asks-for-Challenge-Poverty-Week-2024_v2.pdf
We believe in justice and compassion. That's why we're calling on @ScotGovFM to #ChallengePoverty in the Programme for Government. #ScotPfG https://www.povertyalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/An-Overview-of-our-Policy-Asks-for-Challenge-Poverty-Week-2024_v2.pdf
Dear @ScotGovFM. You've made eradicating the injustice of child poverty your aim. So let's see action to #ChallengePoverty in the Programme for Government. #ScotPfG https://www.povertyalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/An-Overview-of-our-Policy-Asks-for-Challenge-Poverty-Week-2024_v2.pdf
Together, we can end the injustice of poverty in wealthy Scotland. These policies will help us get there. We're joining the call for the Programme for Government to really #ChallengePoverty. #ScotPfG https://www.povertyalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/An-Overview-of-our-Policy-Asks-for-Challenge-Poverty-Week-2024_v2.pdf
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