Report: Challenging rural poverty in Scotland

Despite Scotland’s great wealth, people in rural and island areas of the country have been hit hardest by the cost-of-living
crisis. Too many people living in rural districts are held back by poverty, often facing added costs just to get by in comparison with people in urban areas. And, too often, anti-poverty policies don’t currently reflect this reality.

On 4 October 4th nearly 100 people attended a meeting organised by the Poverty Alliance’s Taking Action on Rural Poverty team, to kick off Challenge Poverty Week 2024. You can read a great blog about the event here.

This report documents some of the discussions we heard. The event was an opportunity to learn about poverty in rural Scotland, identify opportunities for change, explore how we can strengthen our rural anti-poverty movement, share learning from efforts to build lived experience into rural anti-poverty work and discuss how we can develop this practice.

You can read the report in the window below, or download it from here.
Event Report - Challenging Rural Poverty in Scotland

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