Policy Briefing 1: A Scotland where we value our communities

We can build a Scotland where we value our communities and volunteers by making sure our community and voluntary organisations get fair and sustainable funding. Ahead of Challenge Poverty Week 2023 – read more about our asks in the briefing below or download it here.    

Challenge Poverty Week 2023: An overview of our key policy asks

Challenge Poverty Week was launched by the Poverty Alliance in 2013. We wanted to highlight the injustice of poverty in Scotland, and to show that collective action based on justice and compassion can create solutions. The week is an opportunity to raise your voice against poverty and unite with others in calling for a just … Read more

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Briefing: The Child Support Collection (Domestic Abuse) Bill

Achieving financial security and income adequacy for children and young people, alongside their parents and caregivers, is vital to ensure positive outcomes for families. Research shows that family separation can lead to poverty for both parents, but the risk of persistent poverty is greater for single resident parents, around 90% of whom are women. We … Read more

A child playing with building blocks.

Briefing: Ministerial statement on Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan

This is our briefing in advance of a Ministerial statement on progress in the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan. The cost of living crisis is far from over and will continue to have far-reaching implications for families across Scotland. Stubbornly high energy and food costs coupled with a growing debt crisis threatens to undo much … Read more

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Briefing: Cost of Living and Child Poverty

Ahead of a Scottish Parliament debate on Supporting Scotland with Cost of Living and Reducing Child Poverty, we sent MSPs and ministers a briefing with eight key action points. You can download the briefing from here or read it in the window below. Cost of Living and Child Poverty – Scottish Government Debate

Bute House - Official Residence of The First Minister

Briefing: First Minister’s statement of priorities

On Tuesday 18 March 2023, First Minister Humza Yousaf will make a statement in the Scottish Parliament about his priorities for government. The Poverty Alliance has prepared a briefing for ministers and MSPs in advance of the statement, setting out the policy priorities Scotland needs to tackle poverty and inequality. You can download the briefing … Read more

International Women's Day 2023

Poverty Alliance briefing for International Women’s Day – March 2023

This year the theme for International Women’s Day is embracing equity to build a more diverse, equitable and inclusive society. Realising women’s social and economic rights through action to tackle poverty and financial insecurity must be a core aspect of this ambition. This briefing provides an overview of the gendered nature of poverty in Scotland. … Read more

Stockshot of building blocks spelling the word Childcare

Briefing: Childcare in Scotland

Our briefing to MSPs in advance of a Scottish Parliament Members’ Business debate on the future of childcare in Scotland. Download the briefing here or read it in the window below. Poverty-Alliance-briefing-for-the-Future-of-Childcare-Debate-25th-January

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