A stock photo of some young disabled people sharing a joke on an outside terrace.

Consultation response: The Disability Commissioner (Scotland) Bill

It is wrong that disabled people are more at risk of being pushed into poverty in wealthy Scotland. Evidence relating to disabled people’s poverty is stark. Some 41% of children living in poverty come from a household containing a disabled adult or child. This represents almost double the overall figure for child poverty in Scotland (24%).1 It is … Read more

Helping hands

Consultation response: Social Security Amendment Bill

We built our social security system so that everyone — especially those who most it — have stability and freedom to prosper and thrive in an uncertain world. For too long, successive governments have weakened our social security system, so that more and more people are being allowed to fall into unjust poverty. There has … Read more

Consultation Response: Impact of the rising cost of living on women

Poverty is gendered with women more likely to experience poverty compared to men at all points in their life. This is our joint response with the Scottish Women’s Budget Group to the Commons Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into how women are being affected by the cost of living crisis. In it, we outline how … Read more

Consultation response: Work and Pensions Committee on Safeguarding Vulnerable Claimants

The Commons Work & Pensions Committee is looking into how DWP supports vulnerable benefit claimants and whether its approach to safeguarding needs to change. In our response we call for the increased importance and recognition of ‘Vulnerable Claimants’ engaging with DWP services. We highlight the importance of the conceptualisation and operationalisation of vulnerable claimants, experiences … Read more

Poverty is a human rights failure

Consultation response: A Human Rights Bill for Scotland

Poverty is a breach of our fundamental human rights. The incorporation of international human rights treaties is urgently needed to provide dignity for all, complementing our aims to see Scotland free from the grip of poverty. We therefore strongly welcome the consultation on a Human Rights Bill for Scotland. You can read our consultation response … Read more

A stock image representing someone caring for another person.

Submission: Scottish Government consultation on Council Tax

Investment in our public services through progressive taxation is fundamental to creating and sustaining a just economy and a compassionate society. In our response to the Scottish Government consultation on Council Tax, we say that – nearly 25 years after the establishment of the Scottish Parliament – now is the time to stop tinkering on … Read more

A stock image showing a green cloud with 'Net Zero' written on it.

Consultation Response: Draft Energy Strategy and Net Zero Plan

Our response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Draft Energy Strategy and Net Zero Plan says that the plans lack detail in too many areas, putting at risk the benefits that could flow to all of us from new energy models – and especially to those on low incomes. Our response demonstrates how solutions … Read more

A stock image showing people walking down Buchanan Street in Glasgow.

Consultation response: Scotland’s National Outcomes

A just and compassionate Scotland is one that recognises the wellbeing of all its citizens as central to a successful nation. We’ve made progress in bringing that message into Government in recent years – and we now have a Cabinet Minister for a Wellbeing Economy. But to really build an economy that is focused on … Read more

A stock photo of Glasgow tenements

Consultation response: Community Wealth Building

The Community Wealth Building (CWB).approach to economic development has the potential to advance a more equal Scotland, embedding our shared values of justice and compassion to tackle inequality at the local level. Examples of CWB models from Scotland, including North Ayrshire, and globally, including Cleveland, highlight that this approach can enable communities to be more … Read more

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