Helping hands

Consultation response: Adequacy of benefits

A functioning social security system provides people with an anchor to protect them from being swept into poverty. A fundamental principle of this approach is that the level of financial support awarded to households must provide enough to cover essential needs and allow a life of dignity. Our current social security system is failing on … Read more

Children in silhouette

Consultation: Inquiry into Child Poverty and Parental Employment

Our response to the Scottish Parliament Social Justice & Social Security Committee’s inquiry into child poverty and parental employment. You can download our response here, or read it in the window below.   Poverty Alliance submission to SJSS Committee Inquiry into Child Poverty and Parental Employment – April 2023

A stockshot of school uniforms

Consultation response: Statutory guidance on school uniforms

Our response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on statutory national guidance on school uniforms. The consultation closed in October 2022. Download the response here, or read it in the window below. School-Uniform

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