A stock image of a bus

People with experience of poverty and the Scottish Government Fair Fares Review

In November 2022, the Poverty Alliance’s  Get Heard Scotland project was commissioned to recruit, support and facilitate a Citizen’s Panel of people with experience of poverty and using public transport in Scotland to share their views and shape the Fair Fares Review. The main messages were that people living on low incomes in both urban … Read more

A stock image of night bus services.

A Just Transition Plan for Transport – Views of people on low incomes

In a just and compassionate Scotland, everyone would have affordable, sustainable travel options that give them more freedom, increase their opportunities, and support their health and wellbeing. As part of our Get Heard Scotland project, the Poverty Alliance was commissioned by the Just Transition team at the Scottish Government to support the engagement of people … Read more

A stock photo of a man installing rooftop solar renewables. Community Wealth Building. Climate. Net Zero

Get Heard Scotland: Community Wealth Building

The Scottish Government have committed to the Community Wealth Building (CWB) approach to economic development as a means of achieving their wellbeing economy objectives. As part of the consultation on CWB legislation, the Poverty Alliance were commissioned to recruit, support and facilitate a citizen’s panel of people with experience of poverty to share their views … Read more

A stock photo showing a disabled woman in a wheelchair at work.

Get Heard Scotland: Lifetime Skills and Equalities

We report on sessions that we ran in order to test key messages around the Scottish Government’s Lifetime Skills offer with equalities organisations, adding important perspectives to our previous citizens’ panel work ensuring that the recommendations of the citizen’s panel reflected the needs of women, Black and minority ethnic (BME) people, and older people. Across the … Read more

‘Put money in our pockets’ to tackle child poverty

Cash-first payments to support families should be at the heart of the Scottish Government’s efforts to end child poverty, according to a new report that outlines the views and experiences of grassroots organisations and people living on low incomes in Scotland. As a contribution to the development of the Scottish Government’s new Child Poverty Delivery … Read more

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