A stock image of night bus services.

Briefing: The Fair Fares Review

In our wealthy nation, it is unjust that so many people do not have adequate incomes for a dignified life. Reform to our public transport systems is therefore an integral part of tackling poverty. Accessible, affordable and sustainable public transport has transformative potential. It is a lever to easing the financial pressures on low-income households … Read more

A graphic representing a woman juggling childcare and work commitments.

Briefing: Parental employment and child poverty

There’s a huge injustice at the heart of Scotland’s labour market. That’s demonstrated by the fact that two-thirds of children in poverty live in working households. Tackling child poverty means tackling parent poverty, and that means building a wellbeing economy where people have access to fair work with decent wages. In our briefing for MSPs … Read more

Engender graphic for Challenge Poverty Week

Briefing: International Women’s Day 2024

Infographics for #ChallengePoverty Week 2023, created by Engender Scotland. Our briefing for MSPs on International Women’s Day 2024 underlines the fundamental injustices facing women in Scotland when it comes to poverty and low incomes. Poverty in Scotland is gendered. Women are more likely to be living in poverty and find it harder to escape poverty. … Read more

Poverty Alliance Conference 2023

Drawing A Line Conference Briefings

The Poverty Alliance Conference 2023 – Drawing A Line – was an opportunity to explore why a Minimum Income Guarantee is needed, looking at key aspects of the current poverty problem in Scotland. We identified priority actions and key campaigning priorities that will take us closer to a Minimum Income Guarantee. We have brought together … Read more

A stock image of night bus services.

A Just Transition Plan for Transport – Views of people on low incomes

In a just and compassionate Scotland, everyone would have affordable, sustainable travel options that give them more freedom, increase their opportunities, and support their health and wellbeing. As part of our Get Heard Scotland project, the Poverty Alliance was commissioned by the Just Transition team at the Scottish Government to support the engagement of people … Read more

Helping hands

Consultation response: Social Security Amendment Bill

We built our social security system so that everyone — especially those who most it — have stability and freedom to prosper and thrive in an uncertain world. For too long, successive governments have weakened our social security system, so that more and more people are being allowed to fall into unjust poverty. There has … Read more

Briefing: The Scottish Budget 2024-2025

Too many people across Scotland, including 250,000 children, are having their life chances restricted by the injustice of preventable poverty. This is completely unjust in a wealthy country like Scotland. The risk of poverty continues to be particularly high for disabled people; single parents, the majority of whom are women; and Black and minority ethnic … Read more

Poster for The Cost of Dying Exhibition. Image (c) Margaret Mitchell

Briefing: Dying in the margins

This briefing was created for MSPs in advance of a member’s debate on the Dying in the Margins research project by the University of Glasgow and Marie Curie. Terminal illness amplifies existing inequality and poverty. Research from Marie Curie and the University of Loughborough found one in four people die in poverty at the end … Read more

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