A stock image showing a woman decorating her house.

Briefing: The Child Support Collection (Domestic Abuse) Bill

Achieving financial security and income adequacy for children and young people, alongside their parents and caregivers, is vital to ensure positive outcomes for families. Research shows that family separation can lead to poverty for both parents, but the risk of persistent poverty is greater for single resident parents, around 90% of whom are women. We … Read more

A stock image showing a green cloud with 'Net Zero' written on it.

Consultation Response: Draft Energy Strategy and Net Zero Plan

Our response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Draft Energy Strategy and Net Zero Plan says that the plans lack detail in too many areas, putting at risk the benefits that could flow to all of us from new energy models – and especially to those on low incomes. Our response demonstrates how solutions … Read more

A child playing with building blocks.

Briefing: Ministerial statement on Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan

This is our briefing in advance of a Ministerial statement on progress in the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan. The cost of living crisis is far from over and will continue to have far-reaching implications for families across Scotland. Stubbornly high energy and food costs coupled with a growing debt crisis threatens to undo much … Read more

A stock image showing people walking down Buchanan Street in Glasgow.

Consultation response: Scotland’s National Outcomes

A just and compassionate Scotland is one that recognises the wellbeing of all its citizens as central to a successful nation. We’ve made progress in bringing that message into Government in recent years – and we now have a Cabinet Minister for a Wellbeing Economy. But to really build an economy that is focused on … Read more

A picture of someone painting flowers.

Research: ‘The life of Glasgow pigeons is more certain’

‘The life of Glasgow pigeons is more certain’ People seeking asylum are known to experience high rates of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. This research highlights experiences of mental health and wellbeing of people who are – or who have – navigated the asylum process in the UK. Using a participatory research approach underpinned … Read more

A stock photo of Glasgow tenements

Consultation response: Community Wealth Building

The Community Wealth Building (CWB).approach to economic development has the potential to advance a more equal Scotland, embedding our shared values of justice and compassion to tackle inequality at the local level. Examples of CWB models from Scotland, including North Ayrshire, and globally, including Cleveland, highlight that this approach can enable communities to be more … Read more

Helping hands

Consultation response: Adequacy of benefits

A functioning social security system provides people with an anchor to protect them from being swept into poverty. A fundamental principle of this approach is that the level of financial support awarded to households must provide enough to cover essential needs and allow a life of dignity. Our current social security system is failing on … Read more

Asylum seeker rights in action research briefing

‘Education is supposed to be free for all’ – Research briefing

In Scotland, we believe that asylum seekers are currently being denied their right to education. Here we share the experiences of asylum seekers calling for an education system that provides a ladder of hope to build a brighter future. This research was carried out as part of the Rights in Action project being conducted by … Read more

Fife Stigma Toolkit

Fife Stigma Toolkit

This toolkit was developed as an aid to support thinking and challenging stigma at a local level to help improve outcomes for families. It was designed as part of a project by Making it Work for Families (MIWFF). This is a partnership project that brings together staff from Fife Gingerbread, Clued Up, Citizens Advice & … Read more

Stock image - A rainbow on children's hands

Briefing: Cost of Living and Child Poverty

Ahead of a Scottish Parliament debate on Supporting Scotland with Cost of Living and Reducing Child Poverty, we sent MSPs and ministers a briefing with eight key action points. You can download the briefing from here or read it in the window below. Cost of Living and Child Poverty – Scottish Government Debate

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