A stock image illustrating human rights

Research: Together for Change – Community organisations advancing human rights

This report shares key learning from an action learning set with community organisations and members conducted as
part of the Poverty Alliance’s Rights in Action project.

Funded by the Scottish Government’s Equality and Human Rights Fund and supported by Inspiring Scotland, Rights in Action is a three-year project working across Scotland to support communities to use human rights as a tool for change.

This report includes five case studies of organisations’ experiences of advancing human rights through participating in action learning sets as well as reflections and learning from the project around taking a human rights-based approach and human rights education. It draws on interviews with participants, participant learning logs and pre-session reviews, and project team observations and reflections.

You can read it in the window below, or download it here.

Learning Together for Change - Rights in Action
Poverty is a human rights failure

Consultation response: A Human Rights Bill for Scotland

Poverty is a breach of our fundamental human rights. The incorporation of international human rights treaties is urgently needed to provide dignity for all, complementing our aims to see Scotland free from the grip of poverty. We therefore strongly welcome the consultation on a Human Rights Bill for Scotland. You can read our consultation response … Read more

A picture of someone painting flowers.

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‘The life of Glasgow pigeons is more certain’ People seeking asylum are known to experience high rates of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. This research highlights experiences of mental health and wellbeing of people who are – or who have – navigated the asylum process in the UK. Using a participatory research approach underpinned … Read more

Asylum seeker rights in action research briefing

‘Education is supposed to be free for all’ – Research briefing

In Scotland, we believe that asylum seekers are currently being denied their right to education. Here we share the experiences of asylum seekers calling for an education system that provides a ladder of hope to build a brighter future. This research was carried out as part of the Rights in Action project being conducted by … Read more

Rights in Action Literature Review

Part of our Rights in Action project, our research team set out to explore the understanding and awareness of economic, social and cultural rights amongst marginalised communities in Scotland and to examine how organisations in Scotland have adopted human rights-based approaches.

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