The Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security (SCoRSS) is a coalition of over 40 key NGOs, faith groups and unions as well as individuals from across Scotland who want to see a fairer social security system.
Our Principles for Change sets out the five principles we believe need to be at the heart of our social security system.
Any interested organisation or individual is welcome to join. Membership is free and simply involves confirming that you agree with the five principles. members are welcome to get involved in the campaign steering group if they have the time and resources to do so.
To join the campaign please contact:
Ruth Boyle, Campaigns & Policy Manager
Tel: 0141 353 0440
Consultation response: Scotland’s National Outcomes
A just and compassionate Scotland is one that recognises the wellbeing of all its citizens as central to a successful nation. We’ve made progress in bringing that message into Government in recent years – and we now have a Cabinet Minister for a Wellbeing Economy. But to really build an economy that is focused on … Read more
Research: ‘The life of Glasgow pigeons is more certain’
‘The life of Glasgow pigeons is more certain’ People seeking asylum are known to experience high rates of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. This research highlights experiences of mental health and wellbeing of people who are – or who have – navigated the asylum process in the UK. Using a participatory research approach underpinned … Read more
Fighting poverty needs strong public investment through tax
Reacting to the publication of the Scottish Government’s Medium-Term Financial Strategy today, Ruth Boyle, Policy & Campaigns Manager at the Poverty Alliance, said: “We know that more people across Scotland are being trapped in the grip of unjust poverty. Our government has a moral responsibility to help those people, and now is not the time … Read more
Guest blog: Diabetes tech can’t wait
Angela Mitchell,National Director, Diabetes Scotland Join the ‘Tech Can’t Wait’ campaign! People living in poverty face a potential triple burden from diabetes. Firstly, they are more likely to develop type 2 and gestational diabetes than those on higher incomes. Secondly, if they do have diabetes, they are more likely to experience difficulties accessing healthcare services. … Read more
Guest blog: Reducing anxiety has to mean reducing poverty
Shari McDaid,Head of Policy & Public Affairs (Scotland),Mental Health Foundation Click here for more information about anxiety and how to get support How could tackling the injustice of poverty help reduce levels of anxiety in Scotland? It’s a good time to ask, because ‘anxiety’ is the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week taking … Read more
Consultation response: Community Wealth Building
The Community Wealth Building (CWB).approach to economic development has the potential to advance a more equal Scotland, embedding our shared values of justice and compassion to tackle inequality at the local level. Examples of CWB models from Scotland, including North Ayrshire, and globally, including Cleveland, highlight that this approach can enable communities to be more … Read more
Community Wealth Building must have people at its heart
David EyreCommunications Officer, Poverty Alliance The injustice of poverty in wealthy Scotland shows that our economy is simply not working for everyone. Too many people, including 250,000 children, continue to have their health, wellbeing, and life chances restricted by poverty. The distribution of wealth in Scotland also remains vastly unequal, with Scotland’s richest 10% of … Read more
Consultation response: Adequacy of benefits
A functioning social security system provides people with an anchor to protect them from being swept into poverty. A fundamental principle of this approach is that the level of financial support awarded to households must provide enough to cover essential needs and allow a life of dignity. Our current social security system is failing on … Read more
‘Education is supposed to be free for all’ – Research briefing
In Scotland, we believe that asylum seekers are currently being denied their right to education. Here we share the experiences of asylumseekers calling for an education system that provides a ladder of hope to build a brighter future. This research was carried out as part of the Rights in Action project being conducted by the … Read more
Asylum seekers denied their full rights to education in Scotland
New research says that Scotland is robbing people in the asylum system of dignity and respect by failing to offer them equal access to further and higher education. Research – supported by the Poverty Alliance – has uncovered first-hand evidence of the devastating barriers faced by those seeking asylum when it comes to accessing university … Read more
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