The Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security (SCoRSS) is a coalition of over 40 key NGOs, faith groups and unions as well as individuals from across Scotland who want to see a fairer social security system.
Our Principles for Change sets out the five principles we believe need to be at the heart of our social security system.
Any interested organisation or individual is welcome to join. Membership is free and simply involves confirming that you agree with the five principles. members are welcome to get involved in the campaign steering group if they have the time and resources to do so.
To join the campaign please contact:
Ruth Boyle, Campaigns & Policy Manager
Tel: 0141 353 0440
Blog: Willie Rennie, Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats
The pandemic has torn through all our lives. Scottish Liberal Democrats will put recovery first. Our offer is a liberal one. We want every individual to achieve their potential. Poor mental health prevents people from getting on in life. I’ve talked about the links between mental health and poverty since I was first elected. There … Read more
Guest Blog: Mollie McGoran MSYP, Scottish Youth Parliament
Mollie McGoran MSYP explains why the Scottish Youth Parliament support the #EveryoneAboard campaign to extend free bus travel to under 25s and those on low-income benefits Hi! My name is Mollie McGoran! I’m a Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament representing Caithness, Sutherland and Ross and I am also the Convener of the Transport, … Read more
Scotland’s political leaders urged to commit to expansion of free bus travel
Over 100 organisations from across Scotland have today written to the leaders of Scotland’s political parties, urging them to commit to a radical extension of free bus travel, in a move that they say would have a transformative impact on the lives of people across Scotland’s communities. The call has been made as part of the Poverty Alliance’s Everyone Aboard campaign, which asks for their … Read more
Getting Poverty on the Agenda: Scottish Parliament election hustings guide
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Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security 2021 Holyrood Manifesto
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GUEST BLOG: Children’s University Scotland
Chloe Goodall, Head of Impact at Children’s University Scotland, explores the impact extending free bus travel to people on low-income benefits and under 25s would have on realising children’s rights. Earlier this month, the Scottish Government passed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) incorporation bill, ensuring young people’s rights are considered … Read more
On the road to recovery, we can make sure everyone has a seat
Suzi Murning, Poverty Alliance Campaigns Officer, discusses our new campaign, Everyone Aboard, calling for free bus travel to be extended to everyone receiving Universal Credit and young people under 25. We all rely on public services – like health and education – to be there for us when we need them. But too often, they simply don’t work for people living … Read more
Poverty Alliance launch ‘Everyone Aboard’ campaign
Poverty Alliance launch Everyone Aboard campaign Ahead of the Scottish Parliament election, a new campaign has today been launched, calling on Scotland’s political parties to commit to extending free bus travel to everyone receiving Universal Credit (and other low-income benefits) and under 25s. The Everyone Aboard campaign – coordinated by the Poverty Alliance and supported by a range of children’s charities, anti-poverty groups, trade unions and environmental organisations – is launched at a time of … Read more
Poverty Alliance launch 2021 Holyrood election manifesto
Stemming the rising tide of poverty across Scotland must be the defining issue of the Holyrood election, the Poverty Alliance have said today, with calls for all political parties to commit to a range of ambitious and bold action to boost incomes and reduce costs. The calls were made as the Poverty Alliance launched A … Read more
A Scotland For All of Us: Poverty Alliance 2021 Scottish Parliament election manifesto
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