The Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security (SCoRSS) is a coalition of over 40 key NGOs, faith groups and unions as well as individuals from across Scotland who want to see a fairer social security system.
Our Principles for Change sets out the five principles we believe need to be at the heart of our social security system.
Any interested organisation or individual is welcome to join. Membership is free and simply involves confirming that you agree with the five principles. members are welcome to get involved in the campaign steering group if they have the time and resources to do so.
To join the campaign please contact:
Ruth Boyle, Campaigns & Policy Manager
Tel: 0141 353 0440
Challenge Poverty in Scotland? Aye we can, now more than ever!
The Poverty Alliance coordinated the recent Challenge Poverty Week ( 7- 13 October), a campaign that is building a stronger, broader movement of people with the will, knowledge and determination to tackle the rising tide of poverty. Campaigns Officer Irene Tortajada reviews some of the highlights of the Week. An overwhelming response We are amazed … Read more
Scotland’s faith leaders urge: ‘we must loosen the grip of poverty’
Today, leaders of Scotland’s faith communities have united to call for action to ‘loosen the grip of poverty’. More than one in five people in Scotland are living in poverty and this figure is rising. As Challenge Poverty Week closes, religious representatives from across Scotland have come together to call for more action to tackle … Read more
Scottish Anti-Poverty Review 31
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UK Government refuses to disclose analysis of Brexit’s impact on poverty
Last month, The Poverty Alliance submitted a number of questions to the UK Government about the effect of Brexit on people who are struggling financially. Under freedom of information legislation, we asked the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Treasury and Department for Exiting the EU for any impact assessments or analyses of Brexit on poverty, … Read more
Scottish Anti-Poverty Review 30
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Poverty Alliance join forces with over 85 civil society organisations to express grave concerns about no-deal
The Poverty Alliance have today joined forces with over 85 organisations in expressing our grave concerns about the impacts a no-deal Brexit will have on civil society. Together with organisations from across the UK, we have called on the Prime Minister to urgently engage with our concerns about leaving the EU without a deal on … Read more
Blog: Poverty is the root of Scotland’s fatal drug overdose crisis
Dave Liddell, Chief Executive of Scottish Drugs Forum, discusses the links between poverty and drugs and what more we can do to stop the increase in fatal overdoses. Scotland has almost 60,000 people with a drug problem. That is a higher proportion of the population than any country in Europe; and our fatal drug overdose … Read more
Blog: Righting the wrongs of the past decade must be Boris Johnson’s top priority
Neil Cowan, Policy and Parliamentary Officer at the Poverty Alliance, writes on the need for the new Prime Minister to make solving poverty his government’s priority. Boris Johnson will be named the new UK Prime Minister today, after members of the Conservative Party voted overwhelmingly for him to be their new leader. He will meet … Read more
New programme to support community-led action research in Scotland
The Scottish Community Development Centre and The Poverty Alliance have announced a new support resource for community-led action research, jointly funded by Scottish Government and The National Lottery Community Fund. The two-year programme will fund six community organisations to develop their own evidence to influence change in their communities – and to take forward actions … Read more
NEWS: Poverty Alliance responds to new Scottish Child Payment
For immediate use Wednesday 26th June 2019 Responding to the announcement of a new Scottish Child Payment, Peter Kelly, Director of the Poverty Alliance said: “Amid a rising tide of poverty, the new Scottish Child Payment will act as a lifeline for families struggling to stay afloat. An additional £10 per week will help unlock … Read more
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