The Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security (SCoRSS) is a coalition of over 40 key NGOs, faith groups and unions as well as individuals from across Scotland who want to see a fairer social security system.
Our Principles for Change sets out the five principles we believe need to be at the heart of our social security system.
Any interested organisation or individual is welcome to join. Membership is free and simply involves confirming that you agree with the five principles. members are welcome to get involved in the campaign steering group if they have the time and resources to do so.
To join the campaign please contact:
Ruth Boyle, Campaigns & Policy Manager
Tel: 0141 353 0440
Blog: Kids can’t wait another three years
Community Activist Kerrie Friel discusses the need to fast track the Scottish Government’s new income supplement for families on low incomes. I believe that the people of Scotland are proud that we live in a society founded upon compassion and justice, yet without urgent action, one in three of our children will be swept into … Read more
Kids can’t wait for new income supplement: letter to First Minister
More than 70 leaders and organisations from across Scottish society have joined together to call on the First Minister to speed up the introduction of a new income supplement to tackle child poverty.[1] Poverty campaigners, faith leaders, academics, children’s charities, trade unions, women’s groups and industry bodies have today written a joint letter to the … Read more
BLOG: The difference a £5 a week top-up to Child Benefit could make to Scotland’s families
In a just and compassionate society like Scotland, every child should be given the opportunity to participate fully in society. Currently, however, 240,000 Scottish children are trapped in poverty. As a society we have a moral duty to change this. In Scotland we have the power to lift tens of thousands of children out of … Read more
BLOG: Transport and poverty: making the connection
The right to work, the right to health, the right to education, the right to cultural life, and the right to an adequate standard of living; these are the inalienable rights we all share. Yet too often, the rights of people on low incomes are not fully realised because of unaffordable, unavailable and inaccessible transport … Read more
Poverty Alliance responds to UN report on poverty in the UK
Responding to the report, Anela Anwar, Convenor of the Poverty Alliance, said: “This report lays bare the scandalous reality of poverty in the UK. Our social security system should be an anchor that helps us stay afloat during difficult times. But as the report makes clear, the introduction of Universal Credit, the benefits freeze and … Read more
Scottish Anti-Poverty Review 24
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Scottish Anti-Poverty Review 25
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Scottish Anti-Poverty Review 26
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Scottish Anti-Poverty Review 27
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Scottish Anti-Poverty Review 28
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