Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security

The Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security (SCoRSS) is a coalition of over 40 key NGOs, faith groups and unions as well as individuals from across Scotland who want to see a fairer social security system.

Our Principles for Change sets out the five principles we believe need to be at the heart of our social security system.

Any interested organisation or individual is welcome to join. Membership is free and simply involves confirming that you agree with the five principles. members are welcome to get involved in the campaign steering group if they have the time and resources to do so.

To join the campaign please contact:

Ruth Boyle, Campaigns & Policy Manager
Tel: 0141 353 0440

Menu for Change

By Jenn Hood | March 1, 2019

Eos iure quo perspiciatis temporibus voluptas modi harum voluptates non quas qui vel omnis quas ullam numquam adipisci inventore et totam eum voluptatum et aliquam rerum illo sunt aut.

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