Innocent Jakisa
Innocent has 15 years Community Development practitioner experience and has held various positions in the National Health Service (NHS) and the voluntary sector working with refugees, disabled people and patients’ communities in Glasgow. For example working with the Golden National Hospital as the Equalities Officer he spearheaded the transformation of the Quality Patient Public Group into a ‘voice’ of patients able to use patient, carers and public feedback as evidence to influence provision of the quality healthcare services at the Golden Jubilee.
Innocent has training in Community development, Race Equality and Human rights. Innocent’s experience prior to coming to UK included campaigning for disabled people rights to access services, promoting their visibility and a right to be heard by government, service providers and the private sector.
Innocent is currently Co-Chair of the Poverty Leadership Panel. He is also Chairperson of Afro Scottish Social Heritage (An African local community group). The chairperson of the Community Activists Panel (Sottish Homelessness community) and an active member of TPA’s Alliance’s Community Activists Action Group.
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