Peter Kelly
Chief Executive
Peter has been involved in campaigning for progressive social change for more than 30 years, both personally and professionally. He’s committed to supporting the development of civil society in Scotland, and to ensuring that grassroots organisations and people who experience poverty are actively involved in campaigning for change.
He has been Director and now Chief Executive of the Poverty Alliance since 2004. Over that time, he has overseen the development and growth of the Poverty Alliance network, helping to launch important campaigns and initiatives including the Scottish Living Wage Campaign, Challenge Poverty Week and the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform.
Peter has represented the Alliance in a variety of forums and networks, including serving as Vice President of the European Anti-Poverty Network from 2012 to 2018. He is currently Vice Convenor of Homeless Network Scotland and a member of the Living Wage Foundation’s Advisory Council, and sits on the National Suicide Prevention Advisory Group, the Scottish Government’s Minimum Income Guarantee Expert Group and the Scottish Government’s Child Poverty Programme Board.
Outside of work he is mostly likely found spending time with his wee daughter, listening to music or heading out on his bike. Sometimes all three together.
Email: peter.kelly@povertyalliance.org
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